Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Retail Bakeshop - Cakes & Pies

During the second rotation of retail bakeshop, my group was assigned cakes and pies. For the first week's bake sale, Gilly and I worked on a variety of quiche and mini pies.

We made two types of vegetable quiche, one with broccoli and one without, while both had tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, and cheese:

For the meat lovers, we made spinach bacon and cheese quiche as well as ham and cheese quiche:

We also made mini apple pies and mini pecan pies:

In our second week of this rotation, Gilly and I experimented with some whoopie pie recipes. The first is a traditional chocolate whoopie pie with marshmallow fluff, which we made from scratch:

The second recipe was a hazelnut whoopie pie with a nutella cream filling, and it was absolutely delicious:

Our next rotation is cookies and brownies and such so more fun stuff on the way.

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