Sunday, August 1, 2010

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

It's finally happening. After years of saying, "I'd like to go to culinary school," I am now officially enrolled as a culinary student in the Baking and Pastry Program at the Culinary Institute of Charleston in South Carolina. I am extremely excited!

Sure, I'm also a bit anxious and nervous. I'm moving to a new city. I'll meet new people and make new friends. I'm going back to school. And this is a completely different type of education than what I'm used to. I am confident, however, that everything else I have done previously has prepared me to take on this new challenge with confidence and dedication.

I'm also really grateful for the encouragement and support I have had from my wonderful family and friends in helping me to come to this decision and prepare for this new phase in my life. I hope to share with you my culinary journey, as I knead my way through new recipes, new skills, and new experiences. Not only will I have my cake and eat it too, but first I'll get to bake it. Yum.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! I had no idea Carol!
    Congrats on the new journey and adventure!!!
    How exciting!
